The Session members would like to reiterate that the Church is OPEN for In-House Worship. Come and experience the joy of being in the presence of the King! All are welcome! Comfortable and casual dress is OK.
The BPC Bible Study program co-leaders Rev. Tene Howard & Elder Hernel Braham request your attendance on Zoom every Thursday night @7pm. The study hour is open to everyone. The zoom link is attached.
We are delighted talking about our speaker series. The messages/sermons are on point, informative, inspiring, and uplifting. We at BPC are grateful for their ministry and Thank You with gratitude.
Primary election day is June 6 in Plainfield. Confirm your polling place before the last minute and exercise your right to Vote.
BPC welcome new members. If you are looking for a church home, now is the time to consider BPC. Contact, Elder Charlotte Onque-Wright (732)463-0838 or Sister Judith Horne-Johnson (908)723-4441.
Congratulations Jeanique Hawks graduate from The College of New Jersey GPA 3.4 in Biomedical Engineering. Jeanique plans to step out in the world of work for a year then decide on the next step in her career. An amazing young woman on the rise. The BPC
family is proud of her and wish Jeanique all the best.
Military: Congratulations are in-order for Air Force fighter pilot, General Charles Q. Brown nominated to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. If confirmed by the Senate, General Brown’s confirmation would also mean that along with Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III, the top two Pentagon leaders would be Black men for the first time in history. General Brown would follow General Colin Powell as the second black Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff and the top adviser to the President.
The in-Person Worship Services & COVID Procedures: Masks are optional; we continue practicing
social distancing.
The Coffee/Fellowship hour follows immediately after the worship Service. Thank You! Ashe’
Prayer List:
THE LIST: Dear God, we lift in prayer, Bro’s. James Rawls, Sister Veronica Smith family, Leroy
McArthur family, Sister Doris Howard, Brother James Howard, we keep you in prayer.
BPC Greeter/usher sister Barbara Lewis continues with amazing progress from hip surgery.
Lord, we offer a special prayer for Denise Atkinson a faithful servant for providing home care and
assistance in Sister Barbara Lewis recovery.
In need of prayer:
Brother Stevie McArthur; Sisters: Veronica & Rev. Dr. Bethel, Sisters: Pearl Lowe, Yvonne Rutty,
Elaine Young: the victims and families of gun violence, President Biden, Vice President Harris, our
World Leaders, our Youth. Special prayers to our health care workers and family members the
primary care givers for a spouse, a parent, a child, a friend; dear God touch the heart and soul of
General Charles Q. Brown, give him strength and protection to carry out his responsibility in his new
role as Chairman, forevermore. We pray for you.
Grief and loss
Bless those who mourn, eternal God, with the comfort of your love that they may face each new day
with hope and the certainty that nothing can destroy the good that has been given. May their
memories become joyful, their days enriched with friendship, and their lives encircled by your love.
Heavenly Father, Bring these families peace. Provide them with your comfort. Let them know you
tenderly care for each and every one of them. Lead them to be reunited with the loved one someday.
Dear God, we lift in prayer Elder Fredrica Williams family. Uncle John had (96 yrs) was called home
to glory.
My Aunt Shirley was at the bedside this week with her beloved husband of 63yrs. Uncle Alonzo
Graves (85yrs) transitioned into glory will be missed leaving a void in our hearts. We lift in prayer his
wife Aunt Shirley, son Rod & wife Pat, grandchildren Cousin Asha and Zaire, including the extended
families. RIP Uncle AL. Love forever!
It is also with great sadness that we announce the passing of Tina Turner. With her music and
boundless passion for life, she enchanted fans worldwide and inspired future stars. A sharecropper’s
daughter, cotton picking young girl grew up in the church from Nutbush, Tennessee became famous
throughout the world. Tina leaves us her greatest work, her music and so many songs that resonates
in mine ear forever. Rest in power.
Giving Thanks to God:
For Cousin Janice Williams, For our troops, Ukraine, the Bethel Presbyterian Church, our community
Church Partners in Christ, Iglesias Cristiana Manantial de Vida. Lord, we give thanks for The
Children’s Circle, for all our young children and the babies. We pray for your special protection for
these children, these families, and teachers that try to keep them safe.
Thank you, Lord, for keeping us safe, blessing us every day by waking us up this morning. Once
again Heavenly Father, give us a clean, forgiving, and loving heart. Heal any division amongst us,
your people. Lord, we give you thanks for everything. Hear our prayer O Lord, Hear our Prayer.
Join us for Bethel Presbyterian Church In-Person services every Sunday! Bring your friends, children, family and be enlightened. You can also join our Zoom Virtual Service at 10:00am on Sunday's. Early check in is recommended at 9:45am. Click below to join our service.
LORD, I want to be like You who obeyed the Father without complaint. You embraced the chains of humanity when You walked this earth. Convict me whenever I complain or compare myself to others. Give me Your attitude of humility and thankful acceptance. I choose to continually offer You a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of my lips that give praise to Your Name. I long to bring a smile to your face. Teach me the power of a thankful heart. In the Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen! Ashe! We thank our online local and across the country community for your financial assistance to the Bethel Ministry. YOU are a blessing and we are grateful to the Lord for your support.
Offerings and contributions can be mailed directly to:
300 East 5th St. Plainfield, NJ 07060
Save the stamp and Click Below this is the online donation page for Bethel Presbyterian Church Plainfield NJ
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